
Association President

Association President

Prof. Oğuz POLAT

ŞOğuz Polat was born on 06/03/1959 in Atlanta/Georgia U.S.A. He graduated from school of Medicine of İstanbul University in 1983. He attended as professor at Marmara Medical School, department of forensic medicine in 1990. He was the head of the Council of Forensic Medicine of Mınıstry of Justice between 2000-2003 He was the lecturer of Department of Forensic Medicine of Marmara Medical School of Marmara University since 2009. He worked as a researcher and lecturer in Begun Violence Prevention Center of Case Western Reserve Unıversity between 2010-2012 Also he is lecturing to medical, law and psychology schools of five universities about forensic medicine, criminology and child rights.

He has 120 articles about Child abuse, Child’s Rights, Children at Risk , Violence toward children and Forensic medicine and 25 books about Child abuse, Child’s Rights, violence and Forensic Medicine including all aspects of child abuse. Also he is at the editorial board of 6 medical journals.

Prof. Polat is an NGO volunteer and child rights expert. He is the founder and was board director of Street Children Rehabilitation Association (2004-2008) and Child Abuse Protection and Rehabilitation Association (ÇİKORED)(1992-2010), Child Rights National Coalition and Network who are members of European Child Rights NGO Coalition’s Coalition between 2004-20010.

He was the coordinator of Child Rights Coalition which is established at 1997 untıl 2007 and wrote the first alternative country report. Polat was the main reporteuer of the alternative report. Also he was the coordinator of civil movements for child rights 0-18 between 2004-2010.

Now he is founder and head of IMDAT (Violence Protection and Rehabilitatıon Associatıon ) since 2014 .Also he is the dırector of ASUMA Violence and Crimes Research Center of Acıbadem Unıversity.

He is expert on child rights , child abuse and street children. Also he is studying about new models for ınstitutional care especially for abused children and street children.

He had responsibilities in the 6 projects as consultant or coordinator wıth UNICEF, E.U. and CFLI since 2000 named;

  • Training of forensic medicine specialists as a member of multidiscipliner diagnosis and treatment teams for child abuse (UNİCEF Project -2001)
  • Desktop review of situation of children need of special protection measures and mapping of institutıons providing serices for them in 25 provinces in Turkiye (UNICEF Project-2003 )
  • Reproductive health and rights trainings for service providers who are dealing with the cases of violence ( E.U project-2004 )
  • Support Line for Children on Sexual Health and Reproductive Health: Exposure of Sexual Abuse against Children (E.U. Project-2005 )
  • Building A Local System of Governance Committed To Children's Social Inclusion : Developing Local Plan of Actions Project (E.U project-2007 )
  • Zero Tolerance to Forced Marriages (The Canadian Ankara Embassy, Canada Local Initiatives Fund (CFLI) Project, July 2019 July – March 2020)