

The Association for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Violence - İMDAT consists of commissions actively working on themes that target child victims of physical and sexual violence and children dragged into crime, child marriages and refugee children; investigate physical and sexual violence against women and femicide; abuse of the elderly and persons with disabilities, cyber violence, addiction and all other areas of violence.

As the Association for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Violence - İMDAT, in addition to academic training and competencies and scientific meetings, we aim to organize improvement and research activities for the groups and communities targeted by our commissions within the scope of our social responsibility projects. In this context, you can become an "IMDAT Volunteer" by working in solidarity with us in the activities and projects we organize

If you would like to become an "IMDAT Volunteer" by accompanying us, you can take the first step by filling out the form below, so that various trainings, informative activities, social visits and events can create a greater touch on the social level than we aim.

*(The trainings and events planned within the scope of the Association are announced to İMDAT Volunteers with a call for solidarity. In line with the competence, skills and demands of the volunteers, support groups are formed within the scope of the called projects and the project/event calendar is determined).

Volunteer Application Form

İsim Soyisim/ Name Surname
Kimlik No / Identity Number
Adres / Adress
E-Posta / E-Mail
Telefon / Phone
Doğum Tarihi / Date of Birth
Eğitim aldığınız alan / Your field of study
Meslek / Profession
Şehir / City
Neden gönüllü olmak istiyorsunuz? / Why do you want to be a volunteer?
İMDAT'ı nereden duydunuz? / Where'd you hear about İMDAT?
You can make multiple choices.
Nereden Duyduğunuzu Yazınız / Plase write where you heard İMDAT
İMDAT gönüllüsü olarak destek olabileceğiniz alanlar / Areas where you can support as a volunteer
You can make multiple choices.
Destek olunabilecek diğer alanlar / Other areas for support
Yetkin olduğunuz ve İmdat Akademi kapsamında katkı sağlayabileceğiniz alanlar / Areas where you are competent and can contribute to Imdat Academy
Sosyal sorumluluk projelerimiz için katkı sağlayabileceğinizi düşündüğünüz alanlar / Topics where you think you can contribute to our social responsibility projects
İMDAT gönüllüsü olarak çalışabileceğiniz uygun zamanlar / Suitable times to work as an IMDAT volunteer

I have read the Terms of Volunteering and agree to abide by them if I volunteer.